
World Strongest Man 2024

For the third time in the past four years, Tom Stoltman has achieved the World's Strongest Man trophy officially! Tom Stoltman once again performed even better than anyone predicted! This is the return of the King!

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World Strongest Man 2024

For the third time in the past four years, Tom Stoltman has achieved the World's Strongest Man trophy officially! Tom Stoltman once again performed even better than anyone predicted! This is the return of the King!

She’s coming after him

Sam Sulek’s female version: Keiani a new fitness influencer from Hawaii who has burst onto the fitness scene getting noticed by people for her incredible physique. She is currently going viral on all the social media platforms with her personality, muscular ...

Dimethyltrienolone Steroid Profile

Dimethyltrienolone, a potent synthetic steroid commonly referred to as dimethylestradiol or RU-2420, has never received formal medical approval. Developed in 1967, it is a member of the anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) family and a derivative of trenbolone. W ...

Tribolin: Complete steroid profile

Tribolin, sometimes referred to as Tribolin 75, is a mild combination of nandrolone and methandriol that is specifically designed for use in veterinary medicine. This molecule has a total steroid content of 75 mg/ml, comprised of 40 mg/ml of methandriol diprop ...

Anabolic Steroid Profiles

A comprehensive list of anabolic steroid profiles used in bodybuilding, weightlifting and other high performance sports. Each name point to its corresponding steroid profile. Each Steroid Profile contains complete information from Half-Life to average Dosage.


On October 28, 2023, the body of well-known bodybuilder Luis Manuel was found riddled with bullets at Juan Alonso de Torres Boulevard in Mexico.

Norandren 50 and 200

Norandren 50 and 200, commonly referred to by its brand name Deca-Durabolin, stands as one of the most prominent injectable steroids in the realm of performance enhancement. Additionally, nandrolone decanoate, a modern name for the compound's active substance, ...

Orgasteron steroid profile

Orgasteron, also known by its chemical name norethandrolone, is a substance that holds a significant place in the realm of bodybuilding and hormonal therapy. It serves as the oral counterpart of nandrolone, a compound renowned among bodybuilders under various ...

Spectriol Steroid profile

Spectriol is a combination steroid product known for its unique blend of compounds. It contains three separate compounds, each with different esters, manufactured by RWR in Australia. Despite its intriguing composition, Spectriol's effectiveness is questionabl ...

Emdabol Steroid Profile

Emdabol, scientifically known as thiomesterone, stands as a potent derivative of the well-known anabolic steroid testosterone. In this detailed examination, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of Emdabol, covering its description, pharmaceutical form, indic ...