Rubiel Mosquera: How to Become Neckzilla

Half a meter of neck, 52 centimeters is the diameter of this part of the body of the Colombian bodybuilder Rubiel Mosquera.

The 'Neckzilla' thing is probably hard to match. That acronym for the word 'Neck' (neck in English) and 'Godzilla' is Rubiel Mosquera . This Colombian has broken all records thanks to his hobby, bodybuilding. This athlete has a privileged body, trained inch by inch in his homeland, Colombia, to become one of the main stars in the world in this discipline.

It is his neck which is the most interesting part of his body. Although his portentous appearance is already striking in itself, Mosquera has a prominent neck of 52 centimeters; There is only one other bodybuilder who has such a mark, by his own admission.

When jokes and memes are continually made with Fernando Alonso's, what could be done with the Colombian's. At the moment, this merit has been recognized after years and years of chiseling and perfecting his physique.

This half meter neck has made him one of the athletes in the IFBB Elite Pro League, the official bodybuilding federation in the world.

His arms, legs and pecs also makes him a real beast, but there aren't many shirts that fit his collar size. He is also a hit on Instagram, where his more than 40,000 followers enjoy his exploits in bodybuilding.

On his social networking account he defines himself as a personal trainer, in addition to sharing his training routines with which many may pass out. He competes with Larry Wheels for having the biggest neck in the world and he will surely get it if he continues with his workout routines. There are many exercises used to strengthen the necky, but they are not suitable for everyone. In fact, specialists do not recommend them for anyone who worksout.

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